How God Can See Us ANYWHERE
Hi Advent Kids!
Remember how Dave and I were off in the desert a while ago? While we were there, we had an accident. Way up, in a faraway mountain canyon. I was really scared as we plummeted down the mountain without power brakes, I closed my eyes and prayed while I waited for us to crash.
BUT a tow truck came to rescue us once Dave wrestled the truck to a dirt road. I was SO GLAD to see Rick, the Tow Truck Driver! He searched for us in the wilderness (no street names out there!) and FOUND us!! I thought about that experience when I read Psalm 139 this week!
God doesn't just search for WHERE we are; he also searches for HOW we are inside our hearts. When we invite him to unfold our hearts and show us our sins, he listens and forgives us as we confess.
Will you be brave this week and ask God to search your heart? And then will you confess your sins to him? GULP! I know!!! It's super hard to do this! But I promise to do it too. I'm praying for your courage to take this step, and then your listening heart as he shows you sins to confess.
Nursery Activity (ages 0-3)
Following Jesus Activity (ages 4-7)
Telling God's Story Activity (ages 8-12)
AND breaking NEWS!!! Alex Poon turns 11 this week!! Happy Birthday, Alex!!!
I miss you guys!
Love, Wendy