When We Feel Overwhelmed and Inadequate
Hi Advent Kids,
I've been thinking this week about tasks that seem TOO BIG! Too big for me to tackle, too big to even start, too big for my puny ability. Sometimes God asks me to do things like that. And sometimes I have argued with him. I have stamped my foot and told him, "NO! I just CAN'T do that!"
But amazingly, over and over again, He has reminded me of who HE is and of HIS strength. It's because of HIM, not ME, that I can take on a situation that may look too big.
This happened to Moses in Genesis 3:1-15. He REALLY didn't want to go talk to Pharoah (his adopted grandpa who didn't like him) about letting the Israelite slaves go (who also didn't like him). Moses kept telling God HOW much he didn't want to do this, and God kept reminding Moses of His Name and His Past work.
As you face hard tasks this fall, I'm praying for each of you to be able to look at who God is and what He has done in the past.
I love you guys!
Renewing Our Minds and Transforming Our Thinking
Hi Advent Kids!
When you think of "sacrifice," what do you picture? Did you know that in Romans Paul tells us to be "living sacrifices?!!"
What does that even mean? It sounds PAINFUL! Like something I really wouldn't want to do!
But the strange thing is that whenever I have obeyed God in this way - sacrificing myself because I trust his mercy - he does amazing things! He renews, refreshes, and transforms me! And he GIVES me the strength I need to obey him!
I'm praying for each of you this week to come to God and completely give yourself to him. And to watch for his renewal and transformation!
Love from the DESERT of my Desert Island!
Should We Only Follow the Rules?
Hi Advent Kids!
How was your week? Did you ever find yourself "patting yourself on the back?" Oh, wow! I can SO do that! I often think that I'm pretty great and that God should really be proud of me!
The Pharisees were pretty proud of themselves too! They were SO good at following Rules, you see...
But Jesus flipped the Rules upside down with his teaching. Listen to what he said about doing the right thing all the time and following all the Rules in Matthew 15.
I'm praying for each one of us - me too! - to listen and obey what he wants us to do rather than just get into our own good deeds and pride for Rule following!
I love you guys!
God Answers When We Call Out for Help
Hi Advent Kids,
How has your week gone? Are you getting to do some special summer activities? Are you facing any challenges on your desert island this week? I am! This past week I jumped to obey God in a few things I knew He wanted me to do. But after just a little bit, I got overwhelmed and started to sink! That was when I discovered something really COOL! When I call out to God to help me, he DOES!
Peter goes through this exact same experience in our story today from Matthew 14. He hops out of the boat - in a STORM, despite huge WAVES - because Jesus calls him. But then, he stops looking at Jesus, looking down at the waves instead and . . . he starts to sink. Listen to the video to see what happens.
This week I am praying for each of you to call out to God when you feel like you may be sinking! Let him reach his hand out and gather you close to himself!
I miss you guys!
What the Disciples May Have Been Thinking
Hi Advent Kids,
I had a hard few days this past week. I just kept goofing up on everything and feeling really discouraged. Have you ever done that? After that kind of day, I just want to give up! That is how the disciples were feeling in this week's story. But Jesus took their tired, "peopled out" exhaustion and let them help him with a miracle.
I love this story.
I love bringing my insecurity, weakness, and lack of confidence to him and letting him be responsible for the outcomes. I think I get so tied up in knots when I take all the responsibility myself.
I'm praying for each one of you this week, even if you feel overwhelmed, or too weak, or too young. Give your efforts to him and see what he does!
I miss you guys!
Learning How to Look for God's Attributes
Hi Advent Kids!
Hasn't this been a glorious week? I cannot be outside ENOUGH right now! I love summer!!
I wanted to talk about rocks this week. When I was in college, I went through a very hard season. During that time I found a smooth rock. I carried it in my pocket and held it in my hand whenever I felt bad. I called it my "worry rock."
I don't know if you are worried this week, or bored, or maybe a little lonely. But instead of holding a rock (or BESIDES holding a rock if you like that idea!), I want to challenge you to hold onto one of God's attributes. As you are reading the Bible each day, ask him to show you something about himself. Tuck that into the pocket of your mind and hold onto it when hard times hit you. Keep allowing your mind to touch - "meditate on" - who HE is!
I am praying for each of you this summer to draw closer to God, and to get to know him so much better!
Nursery Activity (ages 0-3)
Following Jesus Activity (ages 4-7)
Telling God's Story Activity (ages 8-12)
I miss your faces!
Love, Wendy
How God Can See Us ANYWHERE
Hi Advent Kids!
Remember how Dave and I were off in the desert a while ago? While we were there, we had an accident. Way up, in a faraway mountain canyon. I was really scared as we plummeted down the mountain without power brakes, I closed my eyes and prayed while I waited for us to crash.
BUT a tow truck came to rescue us once Dave wrestled the truck to a dirt road. I was SO GLAD to see Rick, the Tow Truck Driver! He searched for us in the wilderness (no street names out there!) and FOUND us!! I thought about that experience when I read Psalm 139 this week!
God doesn't just search for WHERE we are; he also searches for HOW we are inside our hearts. When we invite him to unfold our hearts and show us our sins, he listens and forgives us as we confess.
Will you be brave this week and ask God to search your heart? And then will you confess your sins to him? GULP! I know!!! It's super hard to do this! But I promise to do it too. I'm praying for your courage to take this step, and then your listening heart as he shows you sins to confess.
Nursery Activity (ages 0-3)
Following Jesus Activity (ages 4-7)
Telling God's Story Activity (ages 8-12)
AND breaking NEWS!!! Alex Poon turns 11 this week!! Happy Birthday, Alex!!!
I miss you guys!
Love, Wendy
How God's Word Will Light Our Path
Hi Advent Kids!
I'm back from the DESERT part of my desert island! And I am SO glad to get to talk to you again! I missed you guys! Even though I know you were in my kayakers' capable hands! Aren't they awesome? I learn so much from them!
This week I've been thinking a lot about hiking on paths (since I did a LOT of that in the deep desert!) I've been concentrating on avoiding all the dangers in front of my boots, as well as trying to keep heading the way God wants me to go. Psalm 119:105 is exactly talking about this idea! Did you know that the Bible is like a light that shows us how to live? No matter what hard things we face, or perils on the path, he promises to help us, to bring light to our dark path.
As we each walk our desert islands this week - with family relationships, daily challenges, and struggles, I'm asking God to light our way!
Nursery Activity (ages 0-3)
Following Jesus Activity (ages 4-7)
Telling God's Story Activity (ages 8-12)
AND I want to give a shout out this week to my AWESOME cameraman who has filmed me for months now, in rain and sun, up mountains and by streams - you only get to see a tiny piece of his finger this week, but guys, he is THE BEST!!!
I will be praying for you guys!
Love, Wendy
Come to Jesus When We Are Weary
Hi Advent Kids!
It’s Ms. Kathryn here! I washed ashore on Pastor Wendy’s desert island, and she was telling me all about these videos she’s been making for you! Then, she told me she had some extra special exploring to do on the far side of the desert island, and she wouldn’t be able to make it back to do a video this week. She asked if I could fill in, and I told her I would love to spend time with some of my very favorite people! That’s all of you!
This Sunday is the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 9. This week, we’ll take a look at Romans 7:15-25, and we will peek into the Gospel reading. In the epistle, Paul shows us that the answer to the problem of our sinfulness is Jesus, and in the Gospel, Jesus invites us to come to him when we are weary and burdened!
Let’s jump in together! And don’t forget to check out some activities after watching the video.
Nursery Activity (ages 0-3)
Following Jesus Activity (ages 4-7)
Telling God's Story Activity (ages 8-12)
If you want to share your work with me this week, I would love to see it and cheer you on! Just send an email to Kathryn@advent.church.
May God bless you as you bring burdens to the cross!
Ms. Kathryn
OH! And happy birthday to Ransom & Owen this week!
Practicing Gratitude in the Midst of Difficulty
Children’s Ministry Assistant, Sarah Pettit, has prepared a children’s message based on the Proper 8 reading from Psalm 13. She shares about how to practice gratitude even in the midst of difficulty.
Nursery Activity (ages 0-3)
Following Jesus Activity (ages 4-7)
Telling God's Story Activity (ages 8-12)
God Can Change Our Perspective
Have you ever looked at something (maybe a funny lump in the darkness of your room?) and then looked again (like you turned on the light) and found that the lumpy thing looked COMPLETELY different? That change of PERSPECTIVE can actually be a gift from God sometimes. That happens in our Genesis story for this week. As we look together at Genesis 21, you'll see how God opens someone's eyes so they discover something life-changing.
This week is the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 7 on our church calendar.
I challenge you this week to ask God to open YOUR eyes and to change YOUR perspective wherever he needs to do that!
Have a great week!
Nursery Activity (ages 0-3)
Following Jesus Activity (ages 4-7)
Telling God's Story Activity (ages 8-12)
God's Great Compassion for People
Welcome to a new part of the Church calendar this coming Sunday! We are entering the season after Pentecost, what's called, "ordinary time." This isn't because it's not special, but because each Sunday from now on will be numbered, or "ordered." This Sunday is the Second Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 6.
Today we are looking at Psalm 116:1 and also at Matthew 9:35-36. I love when I find passages from the Old and New Testament showing a characteristic of God the Father that is exactly the same as Jesus the Son. I'd like to marvel with you for a few minutes at God's incredible, heartfelt compassion for hurting, sinful, messed up people.
And I'd like to challenge you personally this week to put on your OWN God-given glasses of compassion so that you see this hurting world like our compassionate Father does!
May you experience God's compassion TOWARD you and THROUGH you this week!
Nursery Activity (ages 0-3)
Following Jesus Activity (ages 4-7)
Telling God's Story Activity (ages 8-12)