
Welcome to the Live Liturgy! You are a participant in this time together, and I’m so glad to be with you. Welcome to church!

Fr Aaron Burt+

The Live Liturgy will run about an hour. It is a live event, starting promptly at 10:00 a.m.

After Worship

Knowing Hebrew to Know Jesus

Dr. Bob Stallman’s final seminar on the Hebrew language is this morning at 11:30 a.m. You will need to register in order to receive the Zoom link for this interactive seminar.

The Color of Compromise Book Group

Fr. Aaron is leading a book group on racial reconciliation and the church for four weeks. We are reading The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church's Complicity in Racism by Jemar Tisby.

Read the foreword through chapter 3 for discussion on Sunday, June 28.

Children’s Message from Pastor Wendy

Pastor of Families and Children, Wendy Hunt, has prepared a children’s message based on the Proper 7 reading from Genesis 21 and Psalm 86. You can view the video and participate in any of the following activities she’s prepared:

Intercessory Prayer

If you’d like Fr. Aaron to pray with you, please sign up for a 15-minute one-on-one prayer session. When you sign up, please include your cell number in the “notes” and he will call you at the appointed time.

Download Our Church App

To download, follow these steps:

  1. Download the My Church by Pushpay app in the app store.

  2. Use the Church Keyword "adventanglican app"

  3. Press Connect, and engage with Advent Anglican!

On the app you'll find recent content such as the past Live Liturgies, Wendy's children's content, worship music, and Dcn. Jeremiah's Covid Diaries. Feel free to email Robin with any questions.

Prior Services