Palm Sunday

Download Bulletin

You can download a printable bulletin to follow the service.


Our sermon this week is provided by Fr. Casey Bedell, who is rector at Saint Ambrose Anglican in Seattle. His sermon for this Sunday is available as an audio file below. I encourage you to extend your worship time with this sermon or save it for later in the week, depending on how you will best be able to focus and receive.

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

The Passion Narrative

This week we heard The Passion Narrative according to Matthew 26:14 - 27:66 read by Fr. Bruce Waltke. You may listen to it again here.


Worship Through Song

Dcn. Jeremiah Webster has again recorded music for you to sing along to in worship. Here is a PDF download of the Worship Music Lyrics to sing along.


Also you heard a hymn and service music in the midst of the Live Liturgy. If you want to revisit those pieces for worship, we’ve made them available below.


Offering Online

Visit our giving page for information on how to continue your giving.




Lent 5