As a parish, we're committed to staying rooted in our three heritages: 

We are a church. We are Anglican. We are Advent.

We are a church.

That may sound obvious, but it's important nonetheless. By its very nature a church must possess certain qualities, and we boldly embrace them at Advent Anglican. Because we are a church, we are:

Dominical: The word dominical means belonging to the Lord. All we do and all we are belongs to the Lord: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The whole Church is his. This parish is his.

Missional: We continue the work of the apostles, handed down throughout the generations, to carry out Christ’s mission to all people.

Biblical: Scripture is authoritative in our lives. We encourage dialogue and debate about interpretation and application, but at the end of the day, we're firm on this: We mold ourselves to comply with the Word of God, not the other way around.

We are Anglican.

The Church, broadly speaking, is much bigger than just Anglicanism. But for us, Anglicanism is a particular expression of Christianity that we are rooted in and committed to. With it comes certain distinctives. As Anglicans, we are:

Historical: Anglicanism embodies a way of worship that was crafted in the first century, found new vigor in the Reformation, and is still fresh with vitality today. Anglicanism rests on centuries of practice, and rather than seeing ourselves as standing on the shoulders of our forebears, we tend to prefer sitting at their feet.

Liturgical: Through the liturgy, Anglican life is rooted and rhythmic. We're shaped by the seasons, such as Lent or Christmastide. We are drawn into healthy patterns of worship by wholesome repetition. The word liturgy literally means the work of the people; it's collaborative, actively engaging all in the sweet labor of worship.

Sacramental: Sacramentality indicates that God works in and through his creation to reach and touch people. We witness this most clearly in the sacraments of baptism and communion, but we learn to also see the presence and activity of God all around us, as everything bears the mark of its Creator.

Ecumenical: Termed “the middle way” for its diversity and compatibility, Anglicanism is the largest expression of the Church that endorses other denominations and representations of the Christian faith. Whether you're Baptist, Assemblies of God, Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, or non-denominational, you might be surprised to find how well Anglicanism fits you.

We are Advent.

Of course, as a parish, we have our own quirks and qualities. While these things change over time, we remain rooted in these beginnings:

Northwest Anglican: We were planted in 2011 through the efforts of a nonprofit called Northwest Anglican, which Fr. Aaron started.

DRM: Advent Anglican is a member of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. The Diocese of the Rocky Mountains was formed as part of the Anglican Church in North America.

PEARUSA: Our connection to the worldwide Anglican communion was first established through PEARUSA, a large mission effort of the Anglican province of Rwanda. The dynamism and faithfulness of the Rwandan leadership was richly rewarding for us.

ACNA: PEARUSA graciously disestablished itself in 2016 in order to place its members fully within The Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). The ACNA is a collaboration of over a hundred thousand Anglicans in North America, and it is our tie to the global Anglican Communion, consisting of 80 million people around the world.

Our Four Graces: The culture of Advent Anglican is also shaped by what we describe as "Our Four Graces," which you can learn about below.

You'll find external links and further information about PEARUSA, the ACNA, and how the above values shape the culture at Advent Anglican on the following page entitled Learn More.