Caring for Our Neighbors

At Advent, one of our four graces is the Grace of Labor. Advent is a place where we discover and step into the work God built us to do, knowing that he is the one who works within us to accomplish it. God has created us to care for one another and to love one another because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).

Our Refounding focus reminds us that serving one another is an enduring practice (Gal 6:9) that we are called to as a parish. Here at Advent, we are focused on assisting three main areas of need in our community:

Disability Ministry

Vulnerable Children & Families

Homeless & Displaced Peoples 

Our Outreach Advisory Team and Director of Parish Life will continue to inform the parish of ministry opportunities available to the parish. If you’d like to connect more about Grace of Labor opportunities, please contact

Upcoming Grace of Labor Opportunities

Disability Ministry

Are you interested in joining the team that is growing the disability ministry at Advent? We partner with Bridge Disability Ministries so that we can create an accessible and inclusive parish, while also reaching into our community of Woodinville in order to connect relationally and relieve the isolation that many people with disabilities face. 

Community Homes Relationship Building - Ongoing

Bridging Heart Easter Bags - March 19th & 26th, 2023

Sunday Evening Celebration through Bridge - April 23rd, 2023

Woodinville Storehouse Food Bank

Fresh food and produce is provided to people in our community through the Food Bank, and we can be part of meeting that need! The Woodinville Storehouse Food Bank hosts clients two days a week in the basement of our church building. In addition to our July food drive, you can volunteer in a variety of ways and donate food in one of the donation bins located near the church entrances. 

Food Drive: July, 2023

Ministry Fair

Join us for our annual Ministry Fair where we will learn about the various organizations and opportunities that Advent supports. This is a great way to learn about ministries that are making a difference in our community. 

Ministry Fair: Fall, 2023