The Canterbury House Presents: The Creation Account / Interpretation and Understanding, Part 2

Ever since the early armored dinosaur Scelidosaurus were unearthed in 1858 and, about a decade later, Darwin published Origin of Species, there has been a crisis of faith for many Christians, for those factors, among others, seem to contradict the historic straight forward reading of the Genesis creation accounts: Genesis 1:1-2:4 and 2:5-25. It seems fitting that, with the hope of easing that tension, I address that crisis of faith to the best of my ability--we all see through a glass darkly -- by reflecting upon the philology and literary genre of Genesis 1. Canterbury House is an ideal place to do so, for Advent Anglican is a church of deep faith and of a generous, loving spirit. ~Fr. Bruce Waltke


The Canterbury House Presents: Inferno: A Lenten Reading, Session One


The Canterbury House Presents: The Creation Account / Interpretation and Understanding, Part 1