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C.S. Lewis Feast Day Celebration

C.S. Lewis was one of the most influential writers of the 20th Century. He also happened to be thoroughly “Anglican” in his Christian commitment. Advent Anglican has a yearly tradition of gathering to read from his body of work (usually at a pub). Under the duress of COVID, we’ll have to settle for Zoom this year. Please select a quotation or passage (no longer than ONE paragraph) from your favorite novel, essay, or apologetic to share. Deacon Jeremiah will present a fifteen minute overview of Lewis’ life and legacy as preamble to our corporate reading. For fun, consider changing your Zoom background to a decorum suitable for Narnia, Magdalene College, The Eagle and Child, or Perelandra. 

Please register for this event here

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

November 22

Live Liturgy

November 29

Live Liturgy & Annual Parish Meeting