Parish Event Calendar

Filtering by: “Seminar”

A Christian Perspective on Mental Health, Part 2

A Christian Perspective on Mental Health, Part 2

St. Irenaeus said “The Glory of God is man fully alive." What does “fully alive” mean anyway? Is that more than survival? How can our mental health glorify the God who made us with such marvelous intricacy? And how do we as the family of God address the mental and emotional damage from the past two years, the “spirit of despair” that covers us? Christ referred to this spirit as he announced himself as Messiah (Luke 4:19-20) and quoted this passage: Isaiah 64:1-3. This two-part class explores the place of emotion, story, and the brain in the context of individual healing. My hope is that we may be spurred on to love and attend well to ourselves and to one another.

Lead by Helen Hoffman

Join us in the Canterbury House before worship on Sunday morning at WCC.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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A Christian Perspective on Mental Health, Part 1

A Christian Perspective on Mental Health, Part 1

St. Irenaeus said “The Glory of God is man fully alive." What does “fully alive” mean anyway? Is that more than survival? How can our mental health glorify the God who made us with such marvelous intricacy? And how do we as the family of God address the mental and emotional damage from the past two years, the “spirit of despair” that covers us? Christ referred to this spirit as he announced himself as Messiah (Luke 4:19-20) and quoted this passage: Isaiah 64:1-3. This two-part class explores the place of emotion, story, and the brain in the context of individual healing. My hope is that we may be spurred on to love and attend well to ourselves and to one another.

Lead by Helen Hoffman

Join us in the Canterbury House before worship on Sunday morning at WCC.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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Giving Generously

Giving Generously

What does generosity look like for you? Does your generosity result in joy? This seminar will take you through a mini Journey of Generosity (JOG). We will view a few stories of how people are generous and how it has brought them joy and have time for discussion about these stories. In preparation please read and contemplate 2 Corinthians 9.

Lead by David Giannini

Join us in the Canterbury House before worship on Sunday morning at WCC.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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Living in the Halflight: Finding Faith after Mega-Evangelicalism, Part 2

Living in the Halflight: Finding Faith after Mega-Evangelicalism, Part 2

Joe Day’s newest album, Halflight, represents a broadening of experience and self-expression. In the aftermath of trauma, change, and reimagination, Halflight touches both on pain and healing, the difficulty of letting old things go, and the hope and possibility that comes from building something new from the ashes. While personal and vulnerable, sharing out of his experience within the toxic culture of Mars Hill Church, Halflight has themes that feel bigger and reach wider than one man’s experience. Harmonizing between the grief and pain associated with loss and the hope of discovering new rhythms and relationships, it encourages listeners to find their way forward—wherever they’re coming from.

Lead by Joe Day

Join us in the Canterbury House before worship on Sunday morning at WCC.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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Living in the Halflight: Finding Faith after Mega-Evangelicalism, Part 1

Living in the Halflight: Finding Faith after Mega-Evangelicalism, Part 1

Joe Day’s newest album, Halflight, represents a broadening of experience and self-expression. In the aftermath of trauma, change, and reimagination, Halflight touches both on pain and healing, the difficulty of letting old things go, and the hope and possibility that comes from building something new from the ashes. While personal and vulnerable, sharing out of his experience within the toxic culture of Mars Hill Church, Halflight has themes that feel bigger and reach wider than one man’s experience. Harmonizing between the grief and pain associated with loss and the hope of discovering new rhythms and relationships, it encourages listeners to find their way forward—wherever they’re coming from.

Lead by Joe Day

Join us in the Canterbury House before worship on Sunday morning at WCC.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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The Persecuted Church, Part 1

The Persecuted Church, Part 1

More than 340 million Christian brothers and sisters live in places where they experience high levels of persecution and discrimination, or 1 out of 8 worldwide.  Instead of becoming discouraged we can advocate, pray, and support fellow believers around the world. The first week focuses on China, the world’s most populous nation, with close to 100 million believers. The second week is a guided time of prayer for our brothers and sisters in the most persecuted places around the world.

Led by Julie & Greg Hastings

Join us in the Canterbury House before worship on Sunday morning at WCC.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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The Book of Common Prayer: An Introduction for Rookie Anglicans, Part 2

The Book of Common Prayer: An Introduction for Rookie Anglicans, Part 2

The Book of Common Prayer is the cornerstone of Anglican liturgical practice - but it can also be a bit intimidating to newcomers to Anglicanism. In this class, we learn where the prayer book came from, why it is important, and how we can use it in our personal and corporate devotions. No Anglican experience necessary. If you have a copy of the BCP, please bring it with you.

Lead by Deacon Rob Sorenson

Join us in the Canterbury House before worship on Sunday morning at WCC.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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The Book of Common Prayer: An Introduction for Rookie Anglicans, Part 1

The Book of Common Prayer: An Introduction for Rookie Anglicans, Part 1

The Book of Common Prayer is the cornerstone of Anglican liturgical practice - but it can also be a bit intimidating to newcomers to Anglicanism. In this class, we learn where the prayer book came from, why it is important, and how we can use it in our personal and corporate devotions. No Anglican experience necessary. If you have a copy of the BCP, please bring it with you.

Lead by Deacon Rob Sorenson

Join us in the Canterbury House before worship on Sunday morning at WCC.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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Athletes of God: Exploring the Miraculous Gift of Dance Part 2

Athletes of God: Exploring the Miraculous Gift of Dance Part 2

I'm pleased to announce that our roster of seminars for The Canterbury House 2022 is now complete. It is a beautiful ensemble of dancers, musicians, deacons, financial planners, counselors, physical therapists, and even a theologian or two. Our theme this year draws inspiration from Philippians 4:8:

" ... whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

That's our endeavor at The Canterbury House this year: to contemplate all that is honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise within the equally beatific and broken cosmos that God has made. 

Seminars happen during the first (and sometimes second) Sunday of every month during "First Half" (10:00-10:45am) at WCC. Our first two seminars, hosted by Esther Herzog, explore the following...

"Athletes of God: Exploring the Miraculous Gift of Dance" 

February 6th and 13th

Join us in the Canterbury House before worship on Sunday morning at WCC.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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Athletes of God: Exploring the Miraculous Gift of Dance Part 1

Athletes of God: Exploring the Miraculous Gift of Dance Part 1

I'm pleased to announce that our roster of seminars for The Canterbury House 2022 is now complete. It is a beautiful ensemble of dancers, musicians, deacons, financial planners, counselors, physical therapists, and even a theologian or two. Our theme this year draws inspiration from Philippians 4:8:

" ... whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

That's our endeavor at The Canterbury House this year: to contemplate all that is honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise within the equally beatific and broken cosmos that God has made. 

Seminars happen during the first (and sometimes second) Sunday of every month during "First Half" (10:00-10:45am) at WCC. Our first two seminars, hosted by Esther Herzog, explore the following...

"Athletes of God: Exploring the Miraculous Gift of Dance" 

February 6th and 13th

Join us in the Canterbury House before worship on Sunday morning at WCC.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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Kintsugi Theology: The Potential of Diminished Things

Kintsugi Theology: The Potential of Diminished Things

“Jesus seeks the one lost sheep and leaves the ninety-nine behind. The ultimate act of a Kintsugi master is not to even attempt to fix the broken vessel, but to behold its potential, to admire its beauty … What kind of a church would we become if we simply allowed broken people to gather, and did not try to “fix” them but simply to love and behold them, contemplating the shapes that broken pieces can inspire?” - Makoto Fujimura / Art + Faith

“The question he frames in all but words / Is what to make of a diminished thing.” - Robert Frost / The Oven Bird

Join us at The Canterbury House as we explore the Japanese art of kintsugi. This ancient practice not only seeks to restore what is broken, but highlights each imperfection with gold accent. It is a powerful way to contemplate the ravages of COVID, the wounds of Christ that remain post-resurrection, and God’s work of restoration in our lives. To participate, please bring a mug or a small plate to the event. It’s preferable (practically and philosophically) if the object is already broken, but we can employ a hammer “on site” if necessary. Please email your RSVP to Deacon Jeremiah to help our team ensure adequate supplies. Children and “child-like” adults are most welcome to participate.

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Body Work / Soul Work: What the Body Teaches Us About Life in the Spirit: Part 2

Body Work / Soul Work: What the Body Teaches Us About Life in the Spirit: Part 2

Body Work / Soul Work: What the Body Teaches Us About Life in the Spirit

Sunday, September 5th, 11:00 am, immediately following the Live Liturgy (Zoom)

What is the relationship between physical health and spiritual health? What is the body / soul dichotomy? How can we fully inhabit the Christian life? Join us at The Canterbury House as Jenny Pastore shares insights into these questions as a professional massage therapist and a committed disciple of Jesus.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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Body Work / Soul Work: What the Body Teaches Us About Life in the Spirit

Body Work / Soul Work: What the Body Teaches Us About Life in the Spirit

Body Work / Soul Work: What the Body Teaches Us About Life in the Spirit

Thursday, July 22nd, 7:00pm (Zoom)

What is the relationship between physical health and spiritual health? What is the body / soul dichotomy? How can we fully inhabit the Christian life? Join us at The Canterbury House as Jenny Pastore shares insights into these questions as a professional massage therapist and a committed disciple of Jesus.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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Discipleship and the Practice of Adaptive Leadership, Part 2

Discipleship and the Practice of Adaptive Leadership, Part 2

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered and disrupted many aspects of our lives these past sixteen months. We’ve been forced to adapt and persevere through many challenges—in our homes, workplaces, and communities. How will we look back on this season and find meaning? How can we learn from this season and further develop our capacity to lead especially in life’s difficult moments? These are just a few of the questions we will wrestle with June 6 and June 13 at the next Canterbury House seminars. Dr. Rick Engstrom will offer a brief lecture and resources on the practice of adaptive leadership and change leadership, and then facilitate small group discussion meant to apply these leadership theories to our specific leadership practices. All are invited and welcome to join in these seminars after worship. Both seminars will be held on site at The Fields—exact location TBD. They will begin around 12:30pm, so please feel free to pack a picnic lunch to enjoy while participating in the seminars.

Part 2: Change Leadership / When we need to facilitate change.

Hosted by Rick Engstrom

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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Discipleship and the Practice of Adaptive Leadership, Part 1

Discipleship and the Practice of Adaptive Leadership, Part 1

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered and disrupted many aspects of our lives these past sixteen months. We’ve been forced to adapt and persevere through many challenges—in our homes, workplaces, and communities. How will we look back on this season and find meaning? How can we learn from this season and further develop our capacity to lead especially in life’s difficult moments? These are just a few of the questions we will wrestle with June 6 and June 13 at the next Canterbury House seminars. Dr. Rick Engstrom will offer a brief lecture and resources on the practice of adaptive leadership and change leadership, and then facilitate small group discussion meant to apply these leadership theories to our specific leadership practices. All are invited and welcome to join in these seminars after worship. Both seminars will be held on site at The Fields—exact location TBD. They will begin around 12:30pm, so please feel free to pack a picnic lunch to enjoy while participating in the seminars.
Part 1: Adaptive Leadership / When we have no choice in change.

Hosted by Rick Engstrom

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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God Paintings: Weaving Together Color, Shape, and Symbolism to Reflect Jesus, Part 2

God Paintings: Weaving Together Color, Shape, and Symbolism to Reflect Jesus, Part 2

During this two part series, Jenny will share about the miracles and stories behind her multi-canvas artwork. We will explore several of the biblically-based oil paintings that were created to express biblical truths, discovering more of the details and meanings behind the creation of the works.

Hosted by Jenny Shute

Join us in the Canterbury House after the Live Liturgy on Sunday morning.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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God Paintings: Weaving Together Color, Shape, and Symbolism to Reflect Jesus, Part 1

God Paintings: Weaving Together Color, Shape, and Symbolism to Reflect Jesus, Part 1

During this two part series, Jenny will share about the miracles and stories behind her multi-canvas artwork. We will explore several of the biblically-based oil paintings that were created to express biblical truths, discovering more of the details and meanings behind the creation of the works.

Hosted by Jenny Shute

Join us in the Canterbury House after the Live Liturgy on Sunday morning.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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Knowing God through the Psalms, Part 2

Knowing God through the Psalms, Part 2

The Book of Psalms mentions God more than any other book of the Bible. This seminar aims to know God through them, especially through Psalm 56-59 and 95. This aim will be achieved through understanding Hebrew poetry and the forms and rhetoric that the historically conditioned psalmists used in his inspired prayers to God.  His prayers have become God's word to his people.  It is also achieved through understanding the psalms within the context of the New Testament. This understanding demands a prosopological  approach to the Psalter--that is to say, an understanding of Christ as son of David and as Son of God.

Hosted by Fr. Bruce Waltke

Join us in the Canterbury House after the Live Liturgy on Sunday morning.

Contact our Pastor of Arts and Education, Dcn. Jeremiah with any questions.

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